2024 Summit Schedule

DAY 1: “Who We Are” and “How We Live”

Registration Desk Opens: 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM

Check-in and breakfast buffet available for delegates.

Opening Ceremony: 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM

Treaty 6 Land Acknowledgement.

DJ Bangerz live on stage.

Welcome speech by ACCEC Co-Founder, President and CEO, Dunia Nur.

Overview of the summit objectives, agenda, and expectations by ACCEC Program Manager Teresa Omina.

Keynote Speaker: Who We Are: 9:30 AM – 10:20 AM

Dr. Mohamed Camara, Professor of History, Philosophy, and Mass Communication and the current Chair of the Department of African Studies at Howard University, will provide an overview of the historical and contemporary dynamics of African Descent cultures and identities and highlight the contributions and achievements of African Descent people in various fields and sectors.

Who We Are Panel: 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM

Panel will feature three speakers who are experts or practitioners in the respective topic and will be moderated by an ACCEC staff or volunteer. The panels will also include a Q&A session for the participants to interact with the speakers.

Panel Speaker 1: “African History: From Ancient Civilizations to Modern Nations”

Panel Speaker 2: “African Diaspora: Experiences and Challenges of Migration and Integration”

Panel Speaker 3: “African Identity: Negotiating and Expressing Multiple and Hybrid Identities”

Lunch Break: 11:45 AM – 1:00 PM

The participants will have a lunch break, where they will be served a variety of African Descent cuisines, with consideration for dietary restrictions. The participants will also have the opportunity to mingle and network with each other and the speakers, facilitators, and organizers of the summit.

How We Live Workshops: 1:00 PM – 2:15 PM

The participants will choose one of the following workshops to attend, based on their interest and preference. Each workshop will be facilitated by a local youth or national cultural organization or artist who has expertise and experience in delivering cultural programs and activities for African Descent youth. The workshops will also provide the participants with the opportunity to learn and practice a new skill or craft, and to create and share their own work.

Workshop 1: “Traditional Crafts: Learning and Making African Descent Artifacts.” This workshop will introduce the participants to the various types and styles of African Descent artifacts, such as masks, sculptures, textiles, and jewelry. The participants will also learn how to make their own artifact using traditional materials and techniques.

Workshop 2: “Afrofacts Quiz/Game” Afrofacts creates educational tools played as games to help people increase their awareness with respect to Black History and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). 

Workshop 3: “Culinary Arts: Learning and Cooking African Descent Cuisines.” This workshop will introduce the participants to the variety and flavour of African Descent cuisines, such as Ethiopian, Nigerian, Jamaican, and Haitian. The participants will also learn how to prepare and cook a simple and delicious dish from one of the cuisines and enjoy their meal together.

Afternoon Keynote: How We Live: 2:30 PM – 3:20 PM

Sophie Jama Malindi, TruVoice Solutions Inc. Woman Empowerment Leader, will provide insight into the root causes and effects of systemic racism and discrimination on the physical, mental, and emotional health of African Descent youth, and offer some practical and holistic solutions for coping and healing.

Roundtable Discussions: 3:30 PM – 4:45 PM

The participants will choose one of the following roundtable discussions to attend, based on their interest and preference. Each roundtable will feature a facilitator who is an expert or practitioner in the respective topic, and will be composed of 10 to 15 participants. The roundtables will provide a space for the participants to share their personal experiences and perspectives, and to brainstorm ideas and strategies for addressing the issues and challenges they face.

Roundtable 1: “Education: Accessing and Excelling in Academic and Vocational Education.” This roundtable will explore the barriers and opportunities that African Descent youth encounter in their educational journey, and the ways to improve their academic and vocational performance and outcomes.

Roundtable 2: “Healthcare: Ensuring and Enhancing the Physical and Mental Well-being of African Descent Youth.” This roundtable will examine the disparities and inequities that African Descent youth face in accessing and receiving quality healthcare services, and the ways to promote and protect their physical and mental well-being.

Roundtable 3: “Social Justice: Advocating and Mobilizing for the Rights and Dignity of African Descent Youth.” This roundtable will discuss the issues and challenges that African Descent youth face in their social and civic engagement, and the ways to advocate and mobilize for their rights and dignity.

Evening Networking Event: 4:45 PM – 6:00 PM

The participants will attend an evening networking event, where they will be able to interact and connect with each other and the speakers, facilitators, and organizers of the summit.

DAY 2: “Where We Are Going”

Registration Desk Opens: 8:00 AM – 8:45 AM

Check-in and breakfast buffet available for delegates. Welcome and opening remarks to begin at 8:45 am. DJ Bangerz live on stage.

Morning Keynote: Where We Are Going 9:00 AM – 9:50 AM

Ivan Ngandjui Touko, CEO & Strategic Partnership Manager, La Connexional, will share his personal and professional journey, and provide some insights and tips on how to leverage technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship for personal and social impact.

Where We Are Going Panel: 10:00 AM – 11:15 AM

Panelists will feature three young African Descent leaders and entrepreneurs who have achieved remarkable results and impacts in their fields and sectors. The panel will also include a Q&A session for the participants to interact with the speakers.

Panel Speaker 1: “Leadership in Politics and Governance"

Panel Speaker 2: “Leadership in Business and Industry"

Panel Speaker 3: “Leadership in Education and Research"

Lunch Break: 11:15 AM – 1:00 PM

The participants will have a lunch break, where they will be served a variety of African Descent cuisines, with consideration for dietary restrictions. The participants will also have the opportunity to mingle and network with each other and the speakers, facilitators, and organizers of the summit.

NADYtalk - Mini Professional Development Talks: 12:15 PM – 1:00 PM

Mini professional development talks aimed at enhancing career prospects and skill development, 15 minutes at a time.

Topics to include:

“Career Guidance: Exploring and Pursuing Your Passion and Potential

“Skill Development: Developing and Enhancing Your Soft and Hard Skills”

“Financial Literacy: Enhancing your Financial Prospects and Ensuring a Secure Future”

Closing Ceremony: 1:00 PM – 1:30 PM

Reflections on the summit experiences and learnings.

Closing remarks by ACCEC leadership, emphasizing the commitment to ongoing support and engagement with the youth and their projects.